Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ramping up for Ethiopia in 2010

That long silence you've heard here on the blog is us preparing yet another two teams for a great week of ministry in Ethiopia. We have spent the past several months casting the vision for these trips, sorting through applications and interviews, prayerfully selecting our teams, and now training those teams both for a week of ministry in Ethiopia and for ongoing lifetime ministry here in Dallas or wherever the Lord may take us.

Tonight, our teams begin a portion of our training where we meet for 5 weeks to do some specific heart and head work in preparation for our trips. Namely, we'll be working on developing our personal story of grace, learning to effectively use the Evangecube, and discovering how to implement the art form of oral storytelling as a means to engage with the hearts of the people of Ethiopia.

Please be praying for our teams as we begin to make these preparations for a trip that is just over two months away now. Can't wait!

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